Change can be beautiful!

A message from WPF President, Cecelia Anderson

And just like that I’m writing my last newsletter as President. I do not know where the year has gone. It has been an amazing experience serving as your President. We encountered a few challenges this year but we got through them together, as I knew we would.

I was driving down Bryan Boulevard the other day, admiring the changing leaves, and it dawned on me that change doesn’t have to be scary or hard. Something as simple as one season moving onto the next, bringing along the change that inevitably comes with it, can be a beautiful thing.

WPF has experienced its share of changes over the years and more are on the horizon. We live in a different world than the one we lived in when the Women’s Professional Forum was founded in 1977. If we want our organization to stay as strong as it’s always been then we have to be willing to adapt and grow, even when it makes us a little nervous.

Members of your Board of Directors have spent countless hours working on plans to help WPF continue to thrive, both from the member engagement aspect as well as from a technology standpoint. We’ve had to ask tough questions in an attempt to figure out what’s working and what has room for improvement. We appreciate the feedback and suggestions so many of you have shared with us and we’ve been working diligently to implement these changes in hopes of positioning our organization as best we can for continued growth and success in the years to come.

Thank you to my fellow board members for all of the extra effort and time you put into serving this year- I couldn’t have done it without you! Getting to know each and every one of you better this year has definitely been the highlight of my time as WPF President.

And last but certainly not least, THANK YOU to WPF Administrative Assistant, Pat Arnett. While most of you know her as the welcoming face you see at Starmount each month, Pat is also the glue that keeps things together behind the scenes. Pat – we will miss you. Thank you for all your hard work and support over the years.

Happy Holidays!


The Annual Business meeting includes highlights of the year for both WPF and WPFF,  Board of Directors elections for both WPF and WPFF, and special recognitions.  A short program will follow.

WPF Nominees for 2024 Board of Directors &Committees

President Erica Parker

President Elect Lorri Yaskiewicz

1st Vice President Jasmine Beard

2nd Vice President Jennifer Mencarini

Treasurer Leigh Ann Klee

Secretary Marlee Foster

Director at Large Ashley Raper

Director at Large Kate Panzer

Membership Committee Chair Laura Burton

Membership Committee Chair Elect Marcy McHenry

Membership Committee Member Jill Duffield

Programs Committee Chair Lisa Dames Hazlett

Programs Committee Chair Elect Mebane Ham

Programs Committee Member Corinne Auman

Nominating Committee Member Jeannine Falcon

Nominating Committee Member Meryl Mullane


WPF Foundation Proposed Slate for 2024 Board of Directors

WPFF Board will meet immediately after the WPF Business meeting at SFCC to elect Board officers.

Proposed Member Class Year

Amy Meinecke 2026

Chandra Hackenbruch 2026

Christie Soper 2026

Beth Fisher 2026

Laura Burton 2026

Maria Hanlin 2026


WPF Board will call for a vote to approve a set of amended and restated bylaws

The notion of amending the Bylaws came up in 2022 in connection with a reconsideration of the duties of the Secretary, given the organization’s engaging an administrative assistant. WPF’s Bylaws were first approved by the membership in January 1982 and have been amended 10 times thereafter in various ways. Much has changed since 1982. The North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act has been amended and electronic transactions have become a way of life. Although the Bylaws could have been amended simply to address the question of the Secretary’s duties, scrutiny of the Bylaws showed that a greater overhaul was warranted than merely making that one change and perhaps correcting typos.

The following describes the more significant items set forth in the proposed amended and restated Bylaws that do not appear in the current Bylaws or are dealt with in a different or more comprehensive manner:

• The name of the organization has been corrected. “Inc.” has never been part of the name of WPF. The name is set out in the WPF articles of incorporation. The Bylaws should conform to the articles.

• The statement of purpose has been deleted. The statement of purpose already appears in the WPF articles of incorporation. It need not be repeated.

• Clarified that membership in WPF is open only to women.

• Clarified that “greater Greensboro area” means Guilford County. This change or clarification was previously adopted in the Policies and Procedures.

• Added that Supporting members may not sponsor new members. This has been the practice and is set out in the Policies and Procedures. The Policies and Procedures may not override the Bylaws and hence this change is necessary.

• Added provisions about electronic transactions, voting by written ballot, electronic voting, and remote meetings.

• Included provisions for proxy voting, which is already permitted to WPF members because neither the articles of incorporation nor the current Bylaws disallow it.

• Added clarification about who is on the Board of Directors, including who is elected by the members versus those serving in an ex officio capacity, and what other persons are elected by the members to various positions, notably membership, programs and nominating committee positions.

• Added standard conflict of interest language.

• Expanded the indemnification provisions.


A Message from Jean Pudlo, WPFF President Kim Eder

From Kim Eder, WPF Foundation President

Wow, this year has gone by so fast and it’s already December!  As you start to wrap up 2023, perhaps you are wondering if you’ve made your gift to the WPF Foundation this year.  I know it can be hard to keep up with since so many of you give faithfully every year and some days it all blends together.  Currently our year to date 2023 donations are significantly behind 2022 and behind plan.  I hope that’s simply because December snuck up on many of us. If you would like to confirm if you have given, please fill free to e-mail and we can let you know.

If you have given this year, we thank you so very much!  If you have not yet given or have the capacity to increase your gift, the Foundation needs your support now more than ever.  We cannot reach our grant award goals for 2024 and beyond without it.

I would also like to take a moment to thank the Foundation Board for a tremendous year.  I have been honored to serve as President of this great organization.  I would like to also thank two of my fellow board members, Jean Pudlo and Susan Russell who are also completing their second term and will be rolling off the board at the end of the year.  It has been a pleasure to serve with you and I can attest that you’ve made a significant positive impact on our Foundation.

The Foundation has accomplished a lot this year, but our proudest accomplishment is our grant awards.  As I said, no grant is given without the generous support of our members.  Your generosity has made the following 2023 grant awards possible.


• The Beloved Community Center – Sharing the Light $6500 A program that will train the next generation of women leaders in social justice advocacy.

• Journey Adult Day Center $5,000 for a summer program for 8th and 9th grade girls to highlight careers in healthcare and entrepreneurship.

• NCCJ Anytown $2400 for 2 scholarships for young women to attend their Anytown leadership program.

• Sudan House $3500 for their Workforce Development and Job Readiness program for immigrant and refugee women.

• UNCG Center for New North Carolinians $2500 for their Umoja Women’s Initiative to offer leadership development to refugee women.

• Sister Circle International $3500 for the She Works & Wins Program to train underserved women for job readiness.

• Fuerza Latina Unida $4800 for their Mujerex Liderando (Women’s Leadership) program for Latinx women to develop leadership to create systemic change in their communities.

I wish all my sisters a very Happy Holiday season.  May you find joy, peace, and family in plentiful supply.

Special Interest Group Upcoming Events


Friday, December 1 @ Noon and 12:15pm
Afternoon Tea at the O.Henry Hotel

Join us for afternoon tea at the O. Henry Hotel. We have two reservations – 8 people at noon and another 8 people at 12:15 p.m. RSVP to for your time preference. Please contact Dawn Kane at with any questions.


Sunday, December 3rd @ 11am
Annual Holiday Brunch at Print Works Bistro
702 Green Valley Road

Join hosts Laura Burton and Jody Susong for this annual event. Only 12 seats available, so register asap! RSVP via the following link…

Questions? Email Laura Burton at or Jody Susong at


Tuesday, December 5 @ 7 PM
at the home of Jane Hewitt

Join us as we discuss Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. Social time at 7:00; book group discussion 7:30. To RSVP, text or call Polly Sizemore at 336-202-6188.


Tuesday, January 9 from 6-8pm
The Family Room – 204C S. Westgate Drive

We will be sorting and organizing! RSVP to Jody Susong at if you would like to participate. The Family Room provides resources to families that foster children, including beds, clothes, toys, strollers, cribs, diapers and blankets.  Resources are always provided at no cost.


Monday, Dec.11 @ 6:30PM
Amy Meinecke’s

Happy Holidays from Wine Divas! Please join us at Amy Meinecke’s home for our end of the year holiday party with yummy food and wine/champagne pairings. $30 per person. Please Venmo Amy. RSVP to 


Tuesday, December 19, 12-1:30pm
327 Battleground Avenue

Join us for lunch and holiday napkin exchange.  Moms of all ages welcome. RSVP to Marlee Foster at


No December meeting. For suggestions on investing or financial planning topics you want to know more about in 2024, reach out to Paula McMillan at or 336.337.9507.


Thursday, January 25 @ 6pm
Holiday Gathering at the home of Cathy Nosek

The WOW Investment Club will NOT meet in December as everyone is busy with the holidays.  We will have our holiday party next month. Please bring your favorite beverage or a bottle of wine.  Heavy hors d’oeuvres and lots of fun will be provided!  Please contact Katrina Solomon at by January 15 if you wish to attend.  It is always a fun party!

Once a year we open the Club to new members.  If you are interested in more information or joining, please contact Peggy Ward, SIG Chair, at  The primary objective of the Club is to learn about financial terms and strategies in a comfortable setting in order to become more knowledgeable and confident about your finances.  The Club has been going for over 30 years and has 45 members.

New York City ~ April 19-22, 2024

We are planning our annual trek to NYC!  The West House Hotel where we stayed this year as well as the Park Central Hotel, which is right around the corner from the West House, are running specials right now through DECEMBER 1, 2023.  The websites are listed below for you to book but the 30% off special only runs through DECEMBER 1, 2023.  Please coordinate with a roommate if you wish.  Theatre tickets can be booked on if you wish as well.  There will be some dinners planned, I’m sure, after the first of the year. or\

If you are interested in going, please let Peggy know at and I will add you to the email list for further communications.


Blowing Rock Summer Trip 2024 Reminder

We have reserved two houses in the Misty Mountain neighborhood of Blowing Rock for our summer weekend and can accommodate 18 to 20 women (depending upon room sharing).  We already have 15 of those spaces taken.  If you’re interested in participating in this weekend of shopping, tubing, hiking, spa visits, hanging out with friends on decks with beautiful views or in a hot tub, dining out and attending an outdoor symphony (complete with fireworks) at Chetola, contact Kris at  Anticipated cost for housing is $220 to $230 for the weekend.  Other costs include symphony tickets (around $45), dining out costs, spa visits, and tubing (around $30).  A deposit of $100 toward housing is required to hold your spot.


March 22-24, 2024
The Mountains are Calling!!

We are so excited to announce that Wild Women in the Mountains will be returning in 2024.  The date has been set – March 22-24, 2024, housing has been confirmed (well most of it) and Sarah Shoffner is ready to take your check.  Pricing will stay the same at $125.  That includes a 2-night stay at one of the best and most entertaining homes in the Rock, appetizers Friday night, breakfast Saturday and Sunday and the most delicious dinner on Saturday.  You will also be in the company of the best Wild Women in WPF!!  More details to follow.  No matter what, we can promise you a great time!!

Contact Mebane Ham at if you have any questions.