Your Future Self

A message from WPF President, Amy Baradell

Happy July WPF sisters! Can you believe how quickly 2022 is moving along? That familiar saying, “the older I get, the faster time goes”, is proving to be true. Do you have an idea of where you’ll be in a month, six months, a year, or five years? Over the past 14 years, Amy Meinecke and I have participated in coaching for our business. We attend quarterly growth clubs that encourage us to set goals. Every December, we pull out scissors, glue sticks, and stacks of magazines. We are given the time to make a collage that shows the vision of our future selves. In 2008 I had this picture (left) on my vision board. It’s a woman, hair in a ponytail with an arm strap and earbuds, running. At this point in my life, I didn’t run, but I wanted to. 

How can we make the picture of our future selves clearer and how does having a clear picture get us there? So often we have fantasy selves. We are going to start cooking great meals every night and we buy a new cookbook. We are going to be organized and manage our time better, so we buy yet another planner. We are going to start exercising, so we buy the treadmill that ends up in a yard sale in five years. What moves us out of the fantasy to the reality? There’s no rocket science here, just encouragement. Make the picture of your future self specific. Picture yourself in that beautiful flower garden you have planted. See it, smell it. Imagine the joy on your friend’s face when you take the time to plan them a surprise party and your future self pulls it off. How sweet it will be when you have saved the money, set aside the time, and are sitting in that café in Paris. Or it can simply be your future self this afternoon when you have actually drunk enough water and feel more energetic. The answer to the question “will I eat at home tonight instead of eating out so I can save for my trip” will be answered yes when I see myself having that dinner in Paris. If I put in the work of planting bulbs this fall, I see my yard in full bloom in the spring and having fresh cut flowers on my table. A clear picture motivates us to keep moving towards that future self. 

As I look back at my vision board and see the running woman, I am that woman now. I have run consistently and further than I could have imagined. It is part of who I am. It took more than buying the shoes; I had to put them on and run. On the sunny days, on the rainy days, the cold days and on the hot days. The interesting thing is that the future self puts us in places that lead to more future selves that we haven’t even thought of. My running future self ended up being introduced to another runner who is now my husband!

This year in WPF we have talked a lot about connection and having each other’s back. So often others see things in us that we miss. We help each other to add the details to the vision and we follow other’s examples. Our future selves are not about what we do, but who we become and the adventure in the journey.


12:30-1:30 @ Starmount Forest Country Club

What’s Up Down There with  Elizabeth Fink

Elizabeth “Beth” Fink holds a masters in occupational therapy with minors in psychology and music from the University of North Dakota. Since 2015, she has served as both a staff and traveling therapist in over 30 practice settings throughout the United States. 

Her diverse experiences have honed unique skills ranging across settings of psychiatric care in the prison system, hospital acute care, long-term acute care with ventilator-dependent patients, home health, and continuing care retirement communities. She thrives on developing educational programs with staff and caregivers for incontinence, dementia care, low vision, wheelchair positioning and seating, and generalized physical disabilities. After personally experiencing severe urinary and fecal incontinence, Beth found her passion in helping others regain a good quality of life through providing outpatient care specializing in pelvic floor rehabilitation.

SUMMER SOCIAL August 11, 6-8pm


RSVP now as this event is limited to 70 guests! 1618 will be catering the event, and as a special treat, music will be provided by our WPF sister, Frenesa Hall, and singer/songwriter, Lyn Koonce. 


Questions? Conact Lori Yaskiewicz or Christie Soper. See you soon!


A Message from Jean Pudlo, WPFF President Jean Pudlo


We recently mailed checks to our 2022 grantees and soon will be requesting grant reports from our 2021 grant recipients. I am proud of the work WPF members do individually, and together through our foundation, to support women and girls by providing opportunities for them to live their own best life. Thank you for all of your support!

New Member Social!

Thursday, September 29  from 6-8pm
Law Offices of Tuggle Duggins
400 Bellemeade Street, Suite 800

Parking will be in the Parking Deck directly across the street from their offices.  

Please RSVP to Jody Susong at if you plan to attend.  

We are excited to welcome and get to know the new class of members for 2022!  

Special Interest Group Upcoming Events

Books and Arts

Upcoming events with Eastern Music Festival

Behind the Scenes at EMF

Monday, July 11 @ 7:30 PM – rehearsal
Monday, July 25 @ 8 PM – concert
Dana Auditorium, Guilford College

Join us for a two-part event: attend the rehearsal of the EMF Orchestra, led by the student conducting scholars in works by Weber, Rossini, Mendelssohn, Wagner, Brahms, Beethoven, Berlioz and Dvorák; two weeks later, attend the performance of these works, again conducted by the scholars. You can make this a three-part event by joining us for dinner at 5:30 pm at Green Valley Grill for some pre-rehearsal socializing. There is no charge to attend the rehearsal. For the concert, EMF asks only that you “pay what you can.”

Scott Flavin, violinist with the EMF Orchestra and Resident Conductor for The Henry Mancini Institute of the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami, will be available to speak with us about conducting and making orchestral music.

If you are interested in attending either the rehearsal or the concert, or both, please let Melanie Tuttle know 336-210-1280 or Also, please let her know if you wish to join us for dinner on the 11th at Green Valley Grill. Reservations are limited.


Wednesday, July 13 @ 6 PM
Temple Emanuel

Several of us are attending the traditional opera arias that are being held at Temple Emanuel on Wednesday July 13th at 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. If you would like to attend the 6:00 p.m. showing, we can go out to dinner afterwards. Please let Ronnie Grabon at know if you are planning on going. Just buy your tickets on the website and we can plan to sit together. I am thinking about Asian Phoenix for dinner afterwards. 

Service to Others

Saturday, July 9
8 AM-12 PM
Habitat for Humanity ReStore
3826 W. Gate City Blvd.

We will be volunteering at Habitat for Humanity, working at the Restore located at 826 W. Gate City Blvd. We will head out for lunch afterward. Please contact Amy Baradell at for more information. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!



Ladies of Leisure

Tuesday, July 14
Reynolda House & Gardens

Join us for a private tour as we take in the art collection, three featured exhibitions, and explore the gardens. Minimum of 8 RSVPS to book the private tour. Tickets are $18 for museum + $15 for tour.

RSVP to Be sure to let us  know if you would like to carpool or will meet us there.

Working Moms

Tuesday, July 19 @ 8 AM
Sage Mule – 608 Battleground Avenue

Join the Working Moms for breakfast as we gather to support each other.  Please RSVP to Marlee at or 336-235-1596. 



Sippin’ Sisters

Tuesday, July 19, 6 pm @ Erica Parker’s Home 

It’s Christmas in July again for Sippin Sisters!! We will be doing a gift exchange so bring a wrapped gift worth $20.  RSVP to and Venmo Erica $25 to hold your spot.


whine divas

Thursday, July 26, 6 pm … Amy Meinecke’s Home

Did you know several actors and musicians have created their own wines? Join us for a Celebrity Wine tasting to discuss and sample their wines. Cost is $25. RSVP to Lorri Yaskiewicz at


Dining Out

Wednesday, July 27 @ 6:30 PM … Machete
600 C Battleground Ave.

This month’s gathering will be hosted by Dede Potter. RSVP at

Financial Divas

July 27, Noon on Zoom

Please join us for our July meeting – “Mastering Social Security.” Karen Ireland from MFS Investments will review the basics of social security and we will have time for Q&A. 

All are welcome and we are always looking for speakers. Please contact Cecelia Anderson ( if you’re not already on the email list or if you are interested in being a speaker.





Tuesday, August 2 @ 7 PM … Ashley Madden’s Home
600 C Battleground Ave.

Jennifer Mencarini will lead us in discussion of Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr.

Anthony Doerr, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning All the Light We Cannot See, has conjured an entirely new definition of brilliant literary magic with Cloud Cuckoo Land. Spanning hundreds of years, several continents, and partially taking place on a spaceship, Doerr traces the lives of multiple characters and explores how their lives intertwine over the fate of a single story. It’s expansive, transporting, and supremely gratifying—there’s the thrill of adventure, the nitty-gritty of relationships; there’s love and loss, and hope. 


Save the Dates! Women’s Only 5K
Saturday, October 1 – 9:30am
Cone Hospital Med Center for Women
930 Third Street, Greensboro

The Women’s Only 5k is back and for its 30th year!! Let’s get a team of 30 women to walk/ run!! Wear our T-shirts from years past and maybe create a new one!


Team: WPF Sisters   No password needed     $30.00 registration

Entry fees for the Women’s Only provides screening mammograms to women who are uninsured or lack the financial means to pay for the screening through the Mammography Scholarship Fund. Entry fees also support the Cone Health Alight Program that provides financial assistance with the everyday needs of breast cancer patients in treatment who qualify, as well as educational materials, peer mentoring and support groups.

For more information, contact Co-chairs: Polly Sizemore/ Ashley Madden: 336-202-6188 336-314-9857

Women of Wall Street Investment Club

The WOW Investment Club will not be meeting in July as many are on holiday.  Our third quarter Business Meeting will be Thursday, August 25, at 6:00 p.m. at Mt. Pisgah United Methodist Church across from Lowes on Battleground Avenue.  Please note this is a change of date from our calendar published earlier in the year. Have a terrific summer!




We are excited to revive the Devoted to Diversity SIG! We are aiming to schedule activities every other month. Some of our ideas include a trip to the National Museum of African American History & Culture, a discussion with the mayoral candidates (following the July primary) to discuss their commitment to equity and inclusion, a speaker from Elon to discuss inclusive excellence in higher education, a presentation on gender inclusive language, and a book club discussion of Demystifying Disability by Emily Ladau. If you have any ideas for activities in which you would like to participate, please reach out to SIG co-chairs Jennifer Mencarini and Judge Teresa Vincent.