The Gift

A message from WPF President, Amy Baradell

Hello Summer! Yep, it’s that time of year again. We can count on it. In North Carolina do we ever say, “Will it be hot and humid this year?” 

Aren’t there many things we just think, or better yet assume, will happen? There seems to be a path to follow. If we do “a” + “b”, we will end up with “c”. If we go to college, we’ll get the job we dreamed of. We marry and the next step is kids. If we exercise and eat right, we’ll be healthy. 

But what if “a” + “b” doesn’t =”c”. When what we thought was certain, isn’t. We come face to face with the precarity of life.  It’s a word I have rarely used but it has caught my attention on a recent podcast by Kate  Bowler. Her life was moving along: college, her dream job at Duke, married, and a new baby. Her “a” + “b” was equaling “c”. But then the unexpected happened with a stage four colon cancer diagnosis. In sharing her journey, she views the precarity of the world as a terrible gift. 

Precarity can be felt as a community, as an individual, as an observer, or through a shared experience. How can this possibly be a gift? As a community, we certainly faced the uncertainty of life in epic proportions during COVID. What have we gained from it? I believe we are all so grateful to be together. I hear it over and over at our gatherings, isn’t this good! We all became tired of hearing the word pivot during the months of COVID, but it is also a gift. We are all much more flexible and hold our plans much more loosely. We also do not take for granted the people in our lives as many have died. 

How different is it when the precarity is individual in the form of a cancer diagnosis, a lost job, a child struggling with addiction, the death of a spouse, or a marriage ending in divorce? Life is not turning out how we thought. What is the gift here? Anne Marie Gundlach, a WPF sister who died in 2017, allowed the gift of the uncertainty of her life to move her to live it to the fullest. She quickly grabbed the opportunity to go on the 2017 WPF trip to the British Virgin Islands. She had battled breast cancer earlier, but at her 5-year check in the fall of 2016, a scan showed cancer had returned. With a few rounds of chemo, a sassy wig, and still feeling strong, she made that trip. We witnessed her joy, courage, and love. There are pictures of everyone on her boat wearing that sassy wig, including the captain! In her last few days, Anne Marie made a video that was played at her funeral. She spoke specifically to her WPF sisters: don’t wait, live. She shared the gift of precarity with us. Does being the observer of the precarity in someone else’s life move us? I believe we have all witnessed this.  In the case of Anne Marie and the trip to the BVI, it was a WPF sister who gave her the trip.  As we observe the uncertainty in others’ lives, we are moved to provide support and reevaluate our priorities. This is a gift. 

The last way we experience the precarity of life is when there is a shared experience. We may not be able to walk in the same shoes, but they may be similar shoes. A few years before joining WPF I had gone through a divorce. After almost 24 years of being a couple, I was now single. One of the first WPF sisters that I met had recently lost her husband, very soon after they had retired. She too was single after being a “couple” for many years. We spoke the same language. The shared experience brought us together; it was a gift.  All of us have experienced our “a” + “b” not equaling “c”. It’s called being human. May the precarity in our lives be a gift. 

June Meeting … Wednesday, June 8, 2022 … Starmount Country Club

Meet Robin Davis, Founder of Maxi B’s Bakery

Robin Davis, the founder and owner of Maxie B’s Bakery in Greensboro, NC, will be speaking to us about “The Homegrown National Park”, a garden revolution, started by Doug Tallamy. She is an active member of the NC Native Plant Society and has developed a Certified Wildlife Habitat right outside her store.  

A North Carolina native, she grew up at the end of a dirt road in the town of Kernersville surrounded by woods, a creek and plenty of wildlife.  She graduated from UNC Chapel Hill with a BA in Business Administration in 1985 and opened her business later that summer.  37 years later, she’s still at it, but with many evolutions and missions that have sprouted along the way!  

One of her greatest passions is sharing about the power of native plants to heal and rebalance our ecosystems, and in doing so, reconnect us to the healing power of nature for the human spirit.  Planting natives that support wildlife is something that we all can do no matter where we live.  Even a tiny patio container garden or the pots on your front doorstep make a difference in supporting the “quilt” of our ecosystem.  


A Message from Jean Pudlo, WPFF President Jean Pudlo

Thanks to WPF members over the decades and today, the Foundation continues to thrive. Thank you so much to those who made their gift in the last month since our May celebration!  

This spring was busy with stewarding our funds for the impact we seek for women and girls.  Choosing which grantees get our support can be a challenge.  This year, our grants committee, under co-chairs Robin Hager and Jen Mencarini, did a great job narrowing the choices.  There were a record number of proposals to choose from!  All meriting support, but not all quite fit these guidelines: 

• opportunities for women and girls to aspire to or further their careers;

• education and leadership development of women and girls;

• education of the public on the status and rights of women; and

• recognition of achievements and contributions of women.

2022 Grantees

YWCA of High Point … $5,000 … Girl’s Leadership Edge program delivery funding support for 2 groups

The Nussbaum Center for Entrepreneurship … $6,000 … Promote Economic Self-Sufficiency for Women through Entrepreneurship – 5 women entrepreneurs will get funding to go through the program

The Beloved Community Center … $6,500 … Convene intergenerational dialogue of veteran and emerging women leaders in social justice to promote and establish a new pool of women leaders active in NC Truth, Justice & Reconciliation Committee

AAUW -American Assoc of Univ Women … $2,500 … College Women’s Leadership Program. By providing local Start Smart workshops along with support to attend the national conference, AAUW Greensboro extends our mission of diversity, equity, inclusion, and opportunity for women.

Action Greensboro … $7,000 … Women Owned Business Internship Stipend to connect young bright college student talent with women owned business partners and leadership training with CCL. Fund 4 women to participate

We are delighted to fund two sessions of Girls Leadership Edge at the YWCA!  The Nussbaum Center and Action Greensboro programs support women entrepreneurs and young women considering their careers.  And the AAUW and Beloved Community Center provide leadership development for women.  These groups fit nicely with our goals to impact and support women and girls in our community.  These grants will provide opportunities that extend their options and build their abilities to make their own impact in the world.  

And special thanks to a board that is a real team!   Everyone has been stepping up to do their part to increase the Foundation’s impact in the community.



My name is Catena Bergevin, and I currently work as the Director of Advancement and Grants at ArtsGreensboro, where I am honored to serve and support our local art community. I moved to Greensboro in 2018 from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. However, I am a California girl born and raised in San Diego. 

I graduated from the University of San Diego with a BA in Fine Art and a minor in Art History. Originally starting as an artist, I’ve worked in arts administration for over 30 years at the Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego; The Mattress Factory (a contemporary art museum); The Kelly Strayhorn Theatre; and The Westmoreland Museum of American Art (all located in Pittsburgh). I’ve served on many boards, such as the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council and Artists Image Resource. Currently, I serve on the boards of WPF, the Association of Fundraising Professionals NC Triad Chapter, and Reconsidered Goods (a creative reuse center), and am a member of the Development Committee at Elsewhere. I am a Greensboro Cultural Arts Commissioner, guiding the City’s Office of Arts and Culture, better known as Creative Greensboro. I am also a lecturer at UNC Greensboro, recently teaching a class on Managing and Leading in the Arts. 

I am the proud mother of two amazing children, my daughter Analise and my son, Ludy (short for Ludwig). I live in Westerwood with my husband Anthony, our dog Julio, and three rescue cats. We are a proudly tattoed family as my future son-in-law owns and operates Old North State Tattoo in Winston-Salem (shameless plug). 

A lesser known fact about me, I worked for 11 years as a Company Manager for my brother’s company, Elsen Associates. Elsen Associates was one of just a handful of theatrical wig and makeup design firms. During the ’80s and ’90s, Elsen Associates’ clients included opera companies such as Washington Opera, Michigan Opera Theatre, Syracuse Opera, Wolftrap, Pittsburgh Opera, Cincinnati Opera, and San Diego Opera, to name a few. We also traveled to Sydney, Australia; Caracas, Venezuela; and Teatro Alla Scala in Milan, not to mention designing for several NYC off-Broadway shows such as Angels in America and Jelly’s Last Jam. Unfortunately, the AIDS epidemic claimed many of our amazing designers. My brother was diagnosed with HIV in the late 90s and is currently living in Pittsburgh with his husband Doug, who cares for him with incredible love and dedication. 

I am very grateful for the friends I’ve made in WPF and thankful to Denny Kelly, Nancy Radtke, and Altina Layman for introducing me to this great organization. When I’m not at work, you can find me tending to my small vegetable garden, walking Julio, attending art exhibitions, and teaching myself to sew. 


The Membership Committee is so excited to accept new member applications until June 1st.  The Committee will review all applications in June with the approved new members being presented at our September meeting and a New Member Social also planned for September.  We look forward to welcoming the new class of members for 2022!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email Jody Susong at  



Save the date!

Our annual Summer Social will be on Thursday, August 11 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. More details to come soon! 

Special Interest Group Upcoming Events


Parisian Promenade
Sunday, June 5 – 12-5 pm
Bicentennial Garden • Hobbs Rd

Join us for a walk along the river in Paris, right in our own Bicentennial Garden.  You’ll see great art, stilt walkers, aerialist, lots of kid’s activities, unique French music, all kinds of food, and beer wine.  There is even a Poodle Parade at 3pm (open for all dogs, not just Poodles).  Sponsored by Greensboro Beautiful and Greensboro Parks and Recreation, it’s a wonderful day in the Bicentennial Garden!


Tuesday, June 7 @ 7 pm
The Book of Joy
Lasting Happiness in a Changing World, by the 14th Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu

In April 2015, Archbishop Tutu traveled to the Dalai Lama’s home in Dharamsala, India, to celebrate His Holiness’s eightieth birthday and to create what they hoped would be a gift for others. They looked back on their long lives to answer a single burning question: How do we find joy in the face of life’s inevitable suffering? This book offers us a rare opportunity to experience their astonishing and unprecendented week together, from the first embrace to the final good-bye. Hosted by Amy Meinike at her home. RSVP to Kim Trone will be the discussion leader.


Dunleath PorchFest … Saturday, June 11 from 12-5 pm
Dunleath Neighborhood

Where else can you see over 47 musicians, all in one afternoon?  The annual Dunleath PorchFest will feature the best local (though some are coming from Raleigh and Atlanta) music in a walking tour of the neighborhood.  Ghassan’s and Taco Bro are our feature food trucks along with Rainbow Kettlecorn and My Brothers Cookies.  There will be a full afternoon of great music and food while wandering the wonderful historic neighborhood of Dunleath.  Some of our WPF sisters will be helping out in our kids area (many thanks!).  Be sure to stop by Mebane Ham’s house at 675 Percy St. for something cold to drink and a real bathroom.  


Saturday, June 11
from 12-5 pm @ Dunleath Porchfest

We will be assisting children in a banjo making activity at the well-known Dunleath Porchfest, a unique event in which neighbors offer their porches as stages and musicians volunteer their talents.  Dunleath Porchfest has become recognized by many as a grassroots event that celebrates performing arts, a sense of community and goodwill, and local history.  Mebane Ham will be coordinating volunteers for this event.

To join us in the banjo making activity, RSVP to Jody Susong at  


Tuesday, June 21 
Noon @ Printworks

Join us as we gather to support each other.  RSVP to Marlee at or 336-235-1596. 



Tuesday, June 21, 6:00 pm @ Nancy Jones’ house 

Howdy Partners! Get ready for Sippin’ Sisters rodeo night!!! If you climb in the saddle, be ready for the ride!!!  Our cowgirl hostesses are: Nancy Jones, Mebane Ham, and Kim Trone. 

Cost is $25 and includes cocktails such as the Kentucky cooler and Cowgirl daiquiris.  RSVP to Kim Trone at or 336-707-2136.


Thursday, June 23, 3 pm … O’Henry Hotel 
624 Green Valley Road

The Ladies of Leisure, our new retirement SIG, has moved the tea date and planning session at the O’Henry Hotel to Thursday, June 23, at 3pm. This outing is full, but email us at if you’re interested in getting on the email list for future activities and events or if you have suggestions for the group. More to come soon!


Tuesday, June 28 @ 6:30 pm … Kim Trone’s home

A special Whine Divas event! The Whine Divas will go on safari – come join us!   Enjoy the world beats of suba and papa mumba/and beautiful African music while exploring 3 South African wines. Kim Trone and Dede Potter are hosts. Cost is $25 per person. To confirm your spot, RSVP to Kim Trone or 336 707 -2136 and Venmo her at Kimberly Trone @Kimberly-Trone-1



Wednesday, June 29 @ 6:30 PM … 1618 Seafood Grille

This month’s gathering will be hosted by Jane Hewitt. RSVP at



Saturday, July 9 8 am -12 pm
Habitat for Humanity ReStore
3826 W. Gate City Blvd.

Join us for a morning helping out at Habitat’s ReStore.  To sign up for the team and for more details contact Amy Baradell at


The first year of this new SIG has been an informative one! We’ve had some great speakers over the past year covering a range of topics including estate planning, financial planning for women, long term care insurance, savvy tax strategies, and most recently, building wealth with real estate. 

Some topics I’m focusing on for upcoming meetings include social security, Medicare, IRAs, Bitcoin, financial planning for singles, and 529s. Stay tuned for more information! Also, if you’re interested in taking my role as the Financial Divas SIG chair in the next year or two, please let me know! Contact Cecelia Anderson at for more info!



It has been an active two months for the WOW Investment Club with a topic meeting in April and a trip to New York City in May as well as our second quarter business meeting.

Our topic meeting was “Navigating Long Term Care” where our own WPF member, Dr. Corinne Auman, enlightened us on the senior care market in Greensboro.  She is a professional member of the Aging Life Care Association.  The basics of long-term care were also discussed along with the requirements and qualifications for such care.

New York City was fun as usual with balmy weather for a walking tour of Central Park, a concert by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, and the theaters, restaurants and shopping too!

Our second quarter business meeting was held in person for the first time which was terrific!  There will be no meeting in June or July as members are usually on holiday.  Our third quarter business meeting will be Thursday, August 25th, at 6 p.m.  Please note this is a change in the date, so please mark your calendars now to attend.


Upcoming events with Eastern Music Festival
Wednesday, July 13 @ 6 pm … Temple Emanuel

Join us for the traditional opera arias! If you would like to attend, we can go out to dinner afterwards. Please let Ronnie Grabon at know if you are planning on going. Just buy your tickets on the website and we can plan to sit together. I am thinking about Asian Phoenix for dinner afterwards.

Behind the Scenes at EMF
Monday, July 11 @ 7:30 pm … rehearsal
Monday, July 25 @ 8 pm … concert
Dana Auditorium, Guilford College

Do you ever wonder what it takes to get an orchestral work ready to perform? Join us for a two-part event at EMF. First, we will attend the rehearsal of the EMF Orchestra, led by the student conducting scholars in works by Weber, Rossini, Mendelssohn, Wagner, Brahms, Beethoven, Berlioz and Dvorák. Two weeks later, we will attend the performance of these works, again conducted by the scholars.

You can make this a three-part event by joining us for dinner at 5:30 pm at Green Valley Grill for some pre-rehearsal socializing. There is no charge to attend the rehearsal. For the concert, EMF asks only that you “pay what you can.”

Scott Flavin, violinist with the EMF and Resident Conductor for The Henry Mancini Institute of the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami, will be available to speak with us about conducting and making orchestral music. If you are interested in attending one or both, please let Melanie Tuttle know (336-210-1280 or Also, please let her know if you wish to join us for dinner on the 11th at Green Valley Grill. Reservations are limited.


January 13-16, 2023 … RSVP by June 3rd

We’re planning our ’23 NYC trip on MLK weekend!  In order to secure discounts on hotel rooms and some activities, we are starting this process sooner than usual and hope to book accommodations by June 3rd.  Below is a summary of anticipated costs for the trip and available activities.  If you want to guarantee yourself a spot, please contact Michele Smith (, Laura Stroupe Barrier ( or Kris Landrum ( ASAP so we can proceed with booking.  A deposit of $97 per person for a shared room with two queen beds is required with the booking.  If you want a room to yourself, with a king bed, the deposit is $164.  Checks can be made to Kris Landrum or sent by Venmo to @Kristin-Landrum-10.  Deposits will not be refundable unless we find someone to take your spot.  Looking forward to gathering a great group for this trip!  Once you’re reserved for the trip, we’ll keep you updated with activities, signups, play possibilities, etc.  This is just the beginning!     

Hotel: West House (5-Star rated)-located next to Park Central-room with two queens, cost per person, assuming two people to a room, $451. Required deposit by June 3-$97. room with 1 king bed, $764, deposit-$164.  Room cost includes buffet breakfast each morning.  

Activity options we’re pursuing: Manhattan Walking Tours- food tour of Greenwich Village area on Saturday, the 14th- $85/person; optional add on of High Line-$21/person

Cooking Class at International Culinary Education Institute-Monday morning: looking at options and prices

Broadway Plays, Concerts, Ballet: Exploring options for Broadway plays: Generally, we have groups going to Broadway plays on Friday and Saturday evenings, with some opting for a Sunday matinee as well. Will suggest plays for group booking for anyone interested, while others will do their own thing. We will keep everyone signed up informed as options become available.

Shopping Museums, etc. 

Dining Out: We typically do a Sunday brunch as a group and a Sunday evening dinner, both reserved and scheduled in advance. The brunch is frequently at the Boat House in Central Park.

Participants are responsible for booking their own airfare. Most of the group will fly out early Friday morning and return late Monday. We’ll send out flights and suggestions to those committing to the trip. Current airfare prices are in the $300 to $350 range.