Leading with Resilience and Compassion

A message from WPF President, Adrienne Jandler

I recently read an article from Deloitte discussing leadership during the pandemic. One statement in the article really resonated with me: “COVID-19 is a crucible within which resilient leadership is refined.” That perfectly captures the situation—and opportunity— we, as leaders in our businesses and community, have before us.

We’ve all been impacted, whether our businesses have continued operations, paused them, or had to completely shut down during the pandemic. And while we have made decisions with direct operational impact, we’ve also seen that our choices have resulted in changes to our workplace culture; projecting how we value, protect, engage and communicate with our people. The cultural statements (written or demonstrated) have radiated out beyond the confines of our organizations and either attracted or deterred clients and stakeholders.

One thing is certain… significant change is happening at a breakneck pace, in almost every aspect of our business and personal lives. Which of those changes remain beyond COVID remains to be seen, but as leaders, we will make the best decisions we can, and adapt.  It is my hope that as women, we also bring compassion to leadership and the decisions we make, keeping an eye out for opportunity to help others where we can.

One of the ways WPF’s Board has chosen to make an impact during the crisis has been through the donation of our budgeted monthly meeting funds to non-profit organizations who have expressed an urgent need due to the pandemic. While many organizations are faring better, there are still large needs.

As a board, we wanted to solicit the input of the membership on how we might donate the funds for our August meeting. As such, we have vetted several organizations that we are aware of with need for support.  During the August meeting (which will be held via Zoom) we will ask you to participate in a poll, indicating your preference for the donation.

Please take a moment to check out the following three organizations that will be in the poll. You can check out their work and impact on their websites, which are:

Guilford Education Alliance  (laptops for school children in need)

Out of the Garden Project (food collection and distribution)


Mental Health Association in Greensboro (mental health education and support)


Until we meet again, I wish you health and happiness. See you (online) in August! Adrienne

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment

Women’s Suffrage … Giving Women the Right to Vote

Join us at for this month’s virtual meeting with guest speaker Kathy Dunn. Kathy is a retired elementary school teacher who holds a minor in history.  A love of history encouraged her to spend countless hours researching and documenting historical subjects.  One topic of focus for her is Women’s Suffrage.

“The women’s suffrage movement was a decades-long fight to win the right to vote for women in the United States. It took activists and reformers nearly 100 years to win that right, and the campaign was not easy: Disagreements over strategy threatened to cripple the movement more than once. But on August 18, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was finally ratified, enfranchising all American women and declaring for the first time that they, like men, deserve all the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.” (History.com)

“Because of you, we’re feeding our neighbors in need.”

Eric Aft, CEO, Second Harvest Food Bank

In lieu of our June meeting, WPF donated $2,226 to Second Harvest Foodbank to help feed our hungry neighbors.

Each month, while we are unable to meet, we have been working to support a local nonprofit with a meaningful gift. Stay tuned … more great things to come!

Small Group Dinners … Planning Has Begun!

Though gatherings still look uncertain at this time, our Directors at Large – Cecelia Anderson & Hollie Shelton – are seeking members interested in virtually hosting a small group dinner. For old and new members alike, Small Group Dinners are a wonderful time together, to get to know one another a little better, and discuss key issues for our organization and the WPF Foundation. Each year, members host small gatherings – this year, they’ll be on Zoom. A representative from the WPF Board and a representative from the Foundation Board present one question each and gather member feedback.

Interested in hosting a Small Group Dinner via Zoom? WPF has a Zoom account available for use.

Please email Cecelia at canderson@investdavenport.com.

Special Interest Group Events


Sisters Take Blowing Rock!

Who says you can’t have fun in a COVID-19 world? In June, 9 sisters loaded up the cars and headed to Blowing Rock. Though we didn’t go on the Blowing Rock Home Tour OR hear the Chetola Symphony, we DID hike along the beautiful trails, enjoy delicious SMORES, practiced good hygiene (facials and nails included), and even fit in some yoga! And we came home, knowing one another even better and loving the fellowship and friendship that WPF membership affords. Thanks to all who joined this one… and for those who didn’t make it, fear not… Blowing Rock will wait for us to return!

Looking Ahead

Do you have an idea for an upcoming Books & Arts event where we can maintain good health and safety (with plenty of social distancing, hand washing, and face masks)? Our prior plans for August at Big Purple with member Sue Hunt are in flux – September at the NC Folk Festival are in flux.  Have a creative idea for Books & Arts? Contact klandrum@tuggleduggins.com and watch for Books and Arts emails which will provide information on any “social distancing” event that we are able to put together for August / September.


Tuesday, August 25 @ 7:30pm via Zoom

Our Working Moms SIG skipped meeting in July and with the current situation, I can’t think of a group that is more in need of each other! Who knows how the school year will start or end, who knows how our working and virtual learning will look during the year. All we can do is get together and share how we have figured out what works for our family and learn from each other. I am so grateful for smart, compassionate, caring moms who can talk through all the challenges we are facing with respect and support.  Looking forward to connecting with all of you! To RSVP email marleegfoster@gmail.com or text 336-235-1596. She’ll send you the link!


Tuesday, August 18 @ 6:30pm via Zoom: Committee Meeting

Thank you to all of you who participated in the discussion of “Waking Up White” on July 21!   We are glad so many of you participated and appreciate your candid and thoughtful comments.   Our plan for August is to hold a committee meeting, rather than an event, and to work together to make plans for our SIG going forward.  We look forward to hearing your great ideas and comments.   Please feel free to participate whether or not you are a Committee member (or if you are not sure if you are a Committee member).  RSVP via Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1lNf3axWXW3iVHcwPXU7Y8AG5XfjyLXRNUMRZUb6Y8Hg/edit  A Zoom link will be shared via email the day of the event.

As always, be in touch with any questions and ideas:

Nicole Hayes nicole.hayes92@yahoo.com

Terri Harris terriharris1800@gmail.com

Rebecca Ben-Gideon rbengideon@gmail.com

The Devoted to Diversity Special Interest Group (SIG) was created to wrestle with issues of inclusion, diversity and justice in order to engage WPF as a force for change in our communities.  Though we are socially distanced, we plan to continue meeting monthly on third Tuesdays. Mark your calendars now to get involved!

Women of Wall Street

WOW Investment Club

Thursday, August 20 @ 6:00pm via Skype

At the third quarter business meeting for the WOW Investment Club, the portfolio will be reviewed and possible changes discussed. Links and instructions will be sent to members prior to the 20th.  Please plan to join us.

Mark your calendar for our topic meeting which will be on September 17 at 6:00 p.m. and will feature Mayor Nancy Vaughan and UBS Branch Manager, Irene Apgar, talking about the home stretch of the election.


Women’s Only 5K … Going Virtual! September 28 – October 3

As we have done several years in the past, we are gearing up for the Women’s Only 5K Walk & Run Race this year with one more increasingly familiar twist .  .  .  The race will be “virtual” this year (Sept 28 – Oct 3).  However, the Health & Wellness SIG is still rallying to support this wonderful cause and we have set up a Team for the Women’s Professional Forum.

Click here to sign up for the Race  When you fill out the form, please select Women’s Professional Forum as your Team so we can show a united front of support and coordinate who all is participating from our organization.   

We are planning a race day and route for our group, the morning of October 3rd.  More details will be forthcoming closer to (virtual) race time.

Questions can be directed to Ashley Madden at Ashley.MaddenNC@gmail.com or (336) 314-9857 for this event.


Tuesday, August 4, 7:00pm

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gotlieb

Hosted by Kim Trone, 2904 Turner Grove Dr. North…We’ll be outside on the patio!

As Gottlieb explores the inner chambers of her patients’ lives, she finds that the questions they are struggling with are the very ones she is now bringing to Wendell.  With startling wisdom and humor, Gottlieb invites us into her world as both clinician and patient, examining the truths and fictions we tell ourselves and others as we teeter on the tightrope between love and desire, meaning and mortality, guilt and redemption, terror and courage, hope and change.

RSVP to Kim Trone 336-707-2136.

Looking Ahead…

Our next book will be Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens.  We will meet October 6 to discuss and our host will be Jody Susong.  More details in September newsletter.