It’s time to celebrate!
A message from WPFF President, Susan Russell
We have traditionally held our Foundation meeting in May – a beautiful time for us to come together and highlight the investments of the foundation the previous year and celebrate the new grant recipients for the current year. Although the look and feel will be different, I could not be more excited about having this meeting via Zoom on July 8, 2020.
Join us on our first online meeting of the year to be inspired! Hear from one of our 2019 grant recipients, get updated on our GLE program, and celebrate with us as we recognize the new grants we are able to give for 2020! Amazing things happen when women help women. It’s magical when we stop to make this happen. Join us on July 8th to help us continue this magic! Log in from 12:00 – 12:25 and “visit” with your WPF sisters in a breakout room, then all will come together for the meeting from 12:30-1:30 pm. We are asking everyone who wants to attend to RSVP for the meeting so we can send you the Zoom link and information in early July. Please email Pat Arnett at if you want to attend.
Although we will not all be in the same room, it will be a great time to see each other, catch up for a few minutes, and learn about all the incredible work that continues behind the scenes with your Foundation! I do hope each of you will continue to support the foundation as generously as you have in the past. Circumstances that we never imagined have caused us all to pivot in some way this year. Our work life and lifestyles have been affected due to the multiple situations that have been surrounding us over the last four months. We are a strong group of women that makes things happen. Individually and collectively we make our community a better place to be. Our non-profits and local organizations need our help more than ever. The WPFF Grant program has as its purpose to promote, facilitate and support:
• The opportunities for women and girls to aspire to or further their executive or professional careers
• The education and leadership skills and qualities of women and girls
• Education of the general public on the status and rights of women and to recognize the achievements and contribution of women.
Through your generosity, the Foundation has made significant community grants of approximately $225,000 over the years. Many of these past recipients are listed on our website here:
We thank our Honor Roll of Donors (see page 2) for the difference you are helping us make. If you are able, I challenge you to match last years donation or increase it if you can. You can donate securely online at Thank you!
Special Statement from WPF Board of Directors
Last month, the world witnessed with horror the brutal murder of George Floyd, an African American man whose life was needlessly taken by a Minneapolis police officer who pinned him to the ground and held a knee to his neck. The images and videos of this abominable incident bring into unquestionable clarity the racist violence too often perpetuated against African American citizens by the very people charged to protect and serve.
As horrific as this crime is, what is more horrifying is how it and similar crimes have become all too familiar. It has been repeated with heartbreaking regularity, as have other acts of racist violence and harassment that reveal the deeply ingrained racism that has poisoned our society and subjected fellow citizens to unjust and unequal treatment.
The inequitable and often brutal treatment of people of color is undeniable and unacceptable.
We all must work together to eradicate the legacy of bigotry that infects our country and divides us as Americans. As leaders in our businesses and community, each of us must do what we can to root out systemic racism and foster a society in which the color of our skin is irrelevant. We call upon ourselves and our WPF sisters to draw upon our own resources – whether they be power, privilege, position, ability, knowledge or experience – to advocate for and model change in our community and society at large.
The WPF Board commits to listening to, learning from, seeking understanding and standing alongside our sisters and brothers of color. We will not be complicit in perpetuating injustice through silence. We stand in solidarity with the black community against systemic racism, hatred and injustice and extend our unwavering support to break down racial barriers and be part of the solution.
WPF’s Devoted to Diversity Special Interest Group (SIG) was created to wrestle with these issues of inclusion, diversity and justice in order to engage WPF as a force for change in our communities. Please contact one of the Chairs for more information: Nicole Hayes, Rebecca Ben-Gideon, or Terri Harris
WPF is committed to supporting and endorsing equal opportunities for all people without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability or genetics.
A Message from the Membership Committee
What does having a virtual meeting mean for these membership requirements this year?
It is great news that we will be meeting again in July, even if only virtually. Meetings are important to WPF. They permit us to share, interact, learn, discuss, connect and experience with one another. They bring us together. Meetings are so important that we require our active members to attend at least 50% of our luncheon meetings each year. Their importance is also recognized by and inherent in our requirement that new member applicants attend three luncheon meetings with three different sponsors in the year before submitting an application.
First, the membership committee and board determined that virtual meetings will count as regular luncheon meetings for determining active members’ attendance at 50% of the luncheon meetings each year. Attending a virtual meeting will count as attending the meeting as though it were held at Starmount.
Second, for new member applicants, the membership committee and board recognize that the three-meetings requirement to become a member is essential. Different organizations have different energy levels, moods and vibes. It is important for applicants to get a sense of whether WPF truly is right for them. The meetings also provide opportunities for applicants to meet and talk with individual members and for current members to meet and talk with potential new members. These purposes are not well served by a Zoom meeting. However, COVID-19 is presenting us with unique challenges this year. To meet at all requires that we meet virtually.
We postponed the new member application deadline for 2020 from June 1 to July 10, with the hope that at least one or both of the June and July meetings would be held. Doing so would provide applicants the chance to satisfy the three-meeting requirement following the cancellation of the April and May meetings and in advance of the deadline to become a WPF member in 2020. Alas, neither meeting could be held in person. The membership committee recommended, however, and the board approved, that attendance at the July Zoom meeting may be counted as one of the three meetings attended by an applicant to join the class of 2020. This means that an applicant relying on attendance at the July Zoom meeting to become a member will have already attended two meetings in person with two different sponsors prior to April 2020. This change — permitting attendance by Zoom at the July meeting to count as one of the three required meetings for new members — is for 2020 only. As of this writing, there are no changes being made to the membership policies, procedures and requirements for 2021 or beyond.
If you are planning on sponsoring a new member at the July Zoom meeting, you must let Pat Arnett know Please provide Pat with the potential new member’s name and email address so that she may send the Zoom invitation to her. You, too, as a sponsor, must attend the meeting. Also, if you are sponsoring a new member this year and are unsure of whether your applicant attended all three of her meetings in the 12 months prior to the date you submit her application (or since May 1, 2019 given the postponing of the application deadline), you might want to consider having her attend the July meeting with a sponsor.
All 2020 applications are due to the membership chair on or before July 10, 2020. All materials and instructions may be found on the WPF website. Please note that a complete application will have seven items: the new member’s application, resume and headshot, the primary sponsor’s one or two paragraph summary about the applicant, and the written recommendations from the three sponsors.
Questions? Please contact Melanie Tuttle, Membership Committee Chair,
After much thought and deliberation, the Holiday Bazaar Committee and the Board of Directors have cancelled this year’s Holiday Bazaar. It seems that the idea of gathering hundreds of people together indoors for several hours isn’t likely – even by November. Everyone is saddened by this, but feels it is the right decision. At the July WPF meeting, we will be sharing information on a new fundraiser to raise support for the Foundation. If you have purchased a gift card to donate to the Holiday Bazaar, please redeem for your personal use.
From Cecelia Anderson & Hollie Shelton, WPF Directors at Large
We hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. We are in the process of planning small group dinners for the Fall. While we realize dinners may be different this year, we are hopeful we can safely gather and enjoy each other’s company. Assuming it is allowable within our local health guidelines, please let us know if you are interested in hosting a small group dinner at your home or in a restaurant. We realize it is difficult to make plans for September and October this early, but we are simply trying to gauge interest for planning purposes.
Please email Cecelia Anderson at if you are interested in potentially hosting. Thank you.
Small Interest Groups
Tuesday, July 21, 6:30pm via Zoom ~ “Waking Up White” Book Discussion
Grab a glass of wine and your copy of “Waking Up White: Finding Myself in the Story of Race” by Debby Irving. We look forward to a lively discussion of Ms. Irving’s candid personal account of her evolving understanding of racism, bias and how to be a good person.
Waking Up White is the book Irving wishes someone had handed her decades ago. By sharing her sometimes cringe-worthy struggle to understand racism and racial tensions, she offers a fresh perspective on bias, stereotypes, manners, and tolerance. As Irving unpacks her own long-held beliefs about color blindness, being a good person, and wanting to help people of color, she reveals how each of these well-intentioned mindsets actually perpetuated her ill-conceived ideas about race. She also explains why and how she’s changed the way she talks about racism, works in racially mixed groups, and understands the anti-racism movement as a whole.
Please note: This event is open to WPF sisters and alumnae only. The level of intimacy and vulnerability needed to have these difficult, honest discussions dictates we should limit participation to members only, as several of you pointed out. As one of you put it, “in that trust and relationships are key for our work, I suggest that these gatherings be limited to members only (no spouses or guests).”
RSVP via Google Form: A Zoom link will be shared via email the day of the event.
As always, be in touch with any questions and ideas
Nicole Hayes
Terri Harris
Rebecca Ben-Gideon
Thank you to the more than 50 people who attended the first Devoted to Diversity SIG event. Our discussion was candid, challenging, thought-provoking – and far from finished at the end of the night. Many thanks as well to those who shared feedback, notes of thanks and appreciation, and interest in joining the committee.
The Devoted to Diversity Special Interest Group (SIG) was created to wrestle with issues of inclusion, diversity and justice in order to engage WPF as a force for change in our communities. Though we are socially distanced, we plan to continue meeting monthly on third Tuesdays. Mark your calendars now to get involved!
Trip to Blowing Rock … July 23-26, 2020
This trip was originally intended to incorporate the Blowing Rock Home Tour (cancelled) and the Chetola Symphony (postponed), but 12 of us still plan to enjoy time together, occupying two houses…for social distancing…and gearing our activities to the outdoors, with hiking, shopping and enjoying each other’s company on the multiple decks available. Currently all spaces for this trip are filled, but if you are interested in being an alternate, contact Kris Landrum @
Eastern Music Festival’s
Virtual Music Experience for 2020!
Fortunately for those of us who were looking forward to our annual EMF outings, EMF has announced its Virtual Music Experience for 2020! Beginning June 29th, EMF will present five weeks of free virtual concerts and conversations. Featured faculty artists and friends will be announced each week. See the information below for virtual concerts and lectures, and follow EMF on social media for more detail.
An impromptu outdoor gathering on someone’s deck would be a fantastic way to spend time together and enjoy one of these events. If anyone wants to organize such a gathering, contact Kris Landrum
• Home Chamber Music Concerts by EMF faculty artists and friends. A different concert will debut on Mondays (June 29, July 6, 13, 20, 27) at 7 p.m. on EMF’s Facebook and YouTube.
• EMF Conversations live stream sessions on career development topics for the young artist. Each installment features subject matter experts in areas of leadership, entrepreneurship, and education. Join the live conversations Wednesdays (July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29) at 4 p.m. on EMF’s Facebook.
• EMF Behind the Baton online conversations led by EMF music director Gerard Schwarz with EMF faculty artists offering insight behind the music and performance. A different conversation will debut on Fridays (July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31) at 1 p.m. on EMF’s Facebook , YouTube, and Instagram pages.
Thank You Nancy & Reto!
In June, thanks to efforts of Nancy Radtke, we enjoyed two sessions of cooking classes with Reto, a great chance to socialize, eat, and drink…among our favorite activities! Food was outstanding and company of WPF sisters, even in limited numbers, was a treat! Thanks to all who came out!
Thursday, July 9 ~ Southern Roots Take-Out, 6:30pm
Hosted by: Jody Susong & Dede Potter, 4901 Setter Court, Jamestown NC
For July, we are planning to have Dining Out at member’s homes and dine outside, where we can comfortably maintain a safe distance. Our host will select a restaurant and place everyone’s order to be delivered (or, you can bring your own meal). We will use disposable utensils, cups and plates. In case of rain, our host is able to bring all guests inside, with room to social distance.
Please RSVP directly to Dede Potter at
No July Meeting
Enjoy summer!
Women of Wall Street
No July Meeting
We will not meet as usual in July as many members are vacationing. Our next meeting will be our quarterly business meeting on Thursday, August 20, at 6:00 p.m. at the First Lutheran Church on Friendly Avenue. Everyone continue to have an enjoyable and safe summer!
Tuesday, July 14 @ 5:30pm & Wednesday, July 29 @ 5:30pm on Zoom!
It’s RED and WHITE and a bit BLUE without seeing you! So let’s go back to summer school together and re-learn some of the basics of wine tasting.
I’ve invited my Whine Divas co-founder, Donna Riechmann, to join me in dusting off her wine manual from the CIA (Culinary Institute of America) where she studied wines. We’ll go over terminology, tasting profiles, and the famous 5-Ss (See, Swirl, Sniff, Swirl, Sip).
July 14th we’ll do White wines and then on July 29th we’ll talk about the Reds.
Both Zoom gatherings will begin at 5:30pm with a limit of 24. Each Diva will show up with her own glass of wine (and a secret snack pairing) and time to share as a group around the virtual table. When you get your invitation from Sandy, you can register for 1 event based on interest, dates, or your preference.
Interested in learning? Joining the fun? And can’t wait for the WhINE Diva email? Send a note to Sandy at to register and get the zoom link.
Thursdays ~ July 9, 16, 23, & 30 @ 6pm … Country Park
Let’s meet for a walk! We can get together in an outdoor space, social distance and actually see each other! One loop is 1.5 miles. Enter from Pisgah Church Road at Lewis Recreation Center and park at end of lot next to baseball field (Jaycee Park). Text Polly Sizemore at 336-202-6188 to let her know you are coming.
Tuesday, August 4, 7:00pm, “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone” by Lori Gotlieb
Hosted by Kim Trone…we’ll decide in mid-July to zoom or not
As Gottlieb explores the inner chambers of her patients’ lives, she finds that the questions they are struggling with are the very ones she is now bringing to Wendell. With startling wisdom and humor, Gottlieb invites us into her world as both clinician and patient, examining the truths and fictions we tell ourselves and others as we teeter on the tightrope between love and desire, meaning and mortality, guilt and redemption, terror and courage, hope and change.
“Maybe You Should Talk to Someone” is revolutionary in its candor, offering a deeply personal yet universal tour of our hearts and minds and providing the rarest of gifts: a boldly revealing portrait of what it means to be human, and a disarmingly funny and illuminating account of our own mysterious lives and our power to transform them. RSVP to Kim Trone 336-707-2136.